Where to begin? Life is absolutely, insanely, beautifully…chaotic right now.

I feel, I feel so selfish sometimes, wait, a lot of the time.  As mentioned, life is extremely chaotic as of late, and my mind is being stretched in 549584958 different directions.  I just need to sit down, shut up, and listen to the Lord.  I feel jumbled and rushed much of the time because I have forgotten the perfect peace that comes with letting Him lead me every day.  It’s just too easy to get wrapped up in the insignificant things that I feel are oh so significant.  I’m learning to need Him again, just like the sixteen year old girl that I was so recently.  (When did I turn 22? WHAT!)

I miss my best friend. Why is Dallas so far away?

Being married is the absolute best.  Now don’t get me wrong I definitely know that in my two months of this there is definitely work involved, lots of work.  That probably makes me an expert.  People don’t tell you how fun it is! Maybe their husbands don’t make them scrambled eggs at 11:30 pm, hmm, that’s unfortunate.  In all seriousness, God is so relevant to me through Brian. I can see Him so clearly.  I feel beyond blessed to have him in my life, and his beautiful, accepting, loving family.

Jesus, just teach me who you want me to be.

P.S. I’ll strive to be that wife who posts cute pictures of her apartment and baked goods asap.

Summer is nearing its end, along with comes mixed emotions.  Believe me, I am ready for the masses to return to Manhattan, but I am not ready for the chaos to ensue.  I will miss the days of sleeping until ten and eating a popsicle for every meal, but I know it will be good.  

Let’s just chat about this crazy week.
1.  I got hit in the back of the head with my ceiling fan on high, outrageous.
2. Parts flew out from underneath my car on Sunday. Goodbye Jetta, hello…corolla?
3. I am ready to move into the apt. (real hot water, less bugs, no mice)


4.  I am almost 21, yes I am. 

out of time at java, which means out of internet for now

Here goes, my first blog, well since xanga that is.  To tell the truth I just started making this because all of my roommates are working on homework (yes, it is summer). This is quite confusing to me, a girl who just wanted to run to get a sonic treat.  That is beside the point, I am blogging, not nearly as cute with all the moms who post the pictures of their kids or those traveling the globe, but hey I’m here and this looks to be a phenomenal new hobby.

Let’s discuss today: 
1. Everwood is one of my favorite shows, what were the writers thinking stopping at four seasons?
2. Off-brand fudgesicles suck, unfortunately. 
3. I am ready to move into my new apartment and out of bug world here at the house.
4. I seem to only be eating pasta lately, this cannot be good. I know what is the contributing factor here: lack of     popsicles in the freezer. 
5. I love working at Pier One, I say at least once a day, “I will buy this when I am a grown up.”
6. I am ready for my boyfriend to return to the land of cell phone service, yes and amen.
7. I wish Dillon’s Chinese delivered, but perhaps it is good for budget-sake that they do not.
8. I am reuniting with some of the girls I lived with last year, tomorrow. There will be a trip to the zoo and many movies and swapping of stories, refreshing, I think so. 
9. I am out of things that happened today. Oh, except this: I had to make 4 copies of this twenty page document for StuCo, but instead of making them one at a time to get the pages in the right order, I did it all at the same time and thus twenty minutes of sorting those eighty pages, what a thrilling afternoon.

I am learning so much right now it is hard to take it all in. Let me just say, I have learned more about being grateful for life this summer than I have been…ever I think.  I don’t think I have ever been this grateful for my life and the good things I have in it. Since everything with my dad, I became grateful for the lives of others, cherishing the time I get to spend with them, but not really for my own.  I wake up each day more grateful and more serious about living, and really, I love that. Until next time… 

…that should give you a good laugh